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1. CAN – COULD = a putea (a fi instare –abilitatea de a face ceva)

[ken] –[ku:d]

I can swim. Can you swim?

He can speak English.

He cannot speak English./He can’t speak English.


2. MAY – MIGHT= a putea (a avea permisiunea)

May I open the window?/Pot sa deschid fereastra?

May I leave now?/Pot pleca acum?

to leave –left-left = a pleca, a lasa, a parasi, a lasa

[mei] – [mait]


3. MUST= trebuie (obligatie) [MAST]

I must arrive in time./trebuie sa ajung la timp.

Must you arrive in time?

You must not smoke here./You mustn’t smoke here.



4. SHOULD= ar trebui (sfat, recomandare)[şud]

You should talk to him./Tu ar trebui sa stai de vorba cu el.

Should you talk to him?

You should not talk to him./You shouldn’t talk to him.

to talk = a sta de vorba

I like to talk to you./Imi face placere sa stau de vorba cu tine.


Verbele modale sunt o categorieaparte in lb. engleza si au cateva caracteristici:


1. nu primesc “s” la pers. a-III-a sing. I can swim./He can swim. (deci au o singura forma pt. tóate pers.)


2. sunt urmate de infinitivul scurt al verbelor (fara “to”)

She can speak English fluently.Ea poate vorbi engleza fluent.

to speak=infinitive lung

speak=infinitive scurt


3. formeaza interogativul si neg. Fara ajutorul auxiliarelor

Can you swim?

I cannot swim.


4. nu au forme pt. toate timpurile si de aceea au inlocuitori (o sa discutam putin mai incolo acest punct)

1. CAN – COULD= a putea (a fi instare –abilitatea de a face ceva)

Can=forma pt. timpul present;                   could=forma pt. timpul trecut



Table 1

Present Tense

Past Tense

I can swim now.

I could swim last year.

You can speak French now.

You could speak French last year.

He can write books now.

He could write books last year.

She can sing very well now

She could sing very well when she was a child.

We can dance now.

We could dance last year.

You can speak German now.

You could speak German when you were young.

They can cook very well now.

They could cook very well last year.


Negative – long forms (forme lungi)

Present Tense

Past Tense

I cannot swim now.

I could not swim last year.

You cannot speak French now.

You could not speak French last year.

He cannot write books now.

He could not write books last year.

She cannot sing very well now

She could not sing very well when she was a child.

We cannot dance now.

We could not dance last year.

You cannot speak German now.

You could not speak German when you were young.

They cannot cook very well now.

They could not cook very well last year.


Negative –short forms (forms curte/contrase)

Present Tense

Past Tense

I can’t swim now.

I couldn’t swim last year.

You can’t speak French now.

You couldn’t speak French last year.

He can’t write books now.

He couldn’t write books last year.

She can’t sing very well now

She couldn’t sing very well when she was a child.

We can’t dance now.

We couldn’t dance last year.

You can’t speak German now.

You couldn’t speak German when you were young.

They can’t cook very well now.

They couldn’t cook very well last year.


Pronuntie: cannot [ken not]; could not [kud not]

can’t [kant]; couldn’t [kudnt]





Present Tense

Past Tense

Can I swim now?

Could I swim last year?

Can you speak French now?

Could you speak French last year?

Can he write books now?

Could he write books last year?

Can she sing very well now?

Could she sing very well when she was a child?

Can we dance now?

Could you we dance last year?

Can you speak German now?

Could you speak German when you were young.

Can they cook very well now?

Could they cook very well last year.


*CAN/COULD se mai folosesc pt. a exprima permisiunea in mod mai putin formal.

May I open the window?    Pot sa deschid fereastra? (f. formal)

Can I open the window?    Mai putin formal, mult mai folosit in vorbire



Can I have a cup of coffee, please?/imi dati o ceasca de cafea, va rog?

Can I have a ham sandwich, please?/imi dati un sendvis cu sunca, va rog?

Can I have….? modul in care ceri ceva

Would you like…….?modul in care oferi ceva

Would you like a cup of coffee? Ati dori o ceasca de cafea?

Would you like a ham sandwich? Ati dori un sandvis cu sunca?


2.MAY – MIGHT= a putea (a avea permisiunea)

May I open the window?    Pot sa deschid fereastra?

May I leave now?                 Pot pleca acum?

to leave –left-left=a pleca, a lasa, a parasi, a lasa

[mei] – [mait]

May = forma pentru prezent

You may be right=Se poate sa ai dreptate

Might = forma numai pt. conditional (nu si pentru trecut)

You might be right = s-ar putea sa ai dreptate

I may leave now.      Eu pot pleca acum (am permisiunea de a pleca)




I may leave now.

Eu pot pleca acum

You may open the window.

Tu poti deschide fereastra.

He may close the door.

El poate inchide usa.

She may leave earlier today.

Ea poate pleca mai devreme azi.

We may open the shop earlier.

Noi putem deschide magazinul mai devreme.

You may turn on the computer.

Tu poti aprinde calcuatorul.

They may turn off the TV.

Ei pot stinge televizorul




I maynot leave now.

Eu nu pot pleca acum

You maynot open the window.

Tu nu poti deschide fereastra.

He may not close the door.

El nu poate inchide usa.

She maynot leave earlier today.

Ea nu poate pleca mai devreme azi.

We maynot open the shop earlier.

Noi nu putem deschide magazinul mai devreme.

You maynot turn on the computer.

Tu nu poti aprinde calcuatorul.

They maynot turn off the TV.

Ei nu pot stinge televizorul



May I leave now?


May you open the window?


May he close the door?


May she leave earlier today?


may we open the shop earlier?


May you turn on the computer?


may they turn off the TV?



Observatii: may=can (aici)


1) May I open the window? formal (mult mai politicos si protocolar)

    Can I open the window? informal (folosit in vorbirea obisnuita)


2) May diferit de can

I can leave now = eu pot pleca (sunt capabil)

I may leave now = eu pot pleca (am permisiunea)


3) could = forma de trecut+conditional

    might = numai forma de conditional


3. MUST = TO HAVE TO (trebuie – exprima obligatia)

1. Afirmative

A. I must work hard to pass this exam./Trebuie sa muncesc mult pentru a lua acest examen. (obligatie interna; asa consider eu ca trebuie sa fac)

B. I have to wear a uniformat school/Trebuie sa port uniforma la scoala (obligatie externa; imi este impus)

2. Interrogative

A. Must I work hard to pass this exam ?

B. Do you have to wear a uniform at school?

3. Negative(la negative isi schimba sensul)


Must – exprima interdictie

1. You must not park your car here/You mustn’t [masnt] park your car here.

(Nu trebuie/nu ai voie/e interzis sa parchezi aici)

You must not smoke here./You mustn’t smoke here.

(Nu trebuie/nu ai voie/e interzis sa parchezi aici).


Do not have – exprima lipsa obligatiei

You do not have to come with me. I can manage on my own./You don’t have to come with me, I can manage on my own.

on my own=singur, pe cont propriu

to manage= a conduce, a reusi, a se descurca

(Nu este nevoie, nu este necesar sa vii cu mine, ma pot descurca singur))


*to have to – formeaza interogativul si negativul cu ajutorul auxiliarului do/does, fiind de fapt un inlocuitor al verbului modal “must”


Affirmative- present tense

Internal obligation

External obligation

I must leave now.

I have to wear a uniform at  school.

You must talk to him.

You have to send emails in your job.

He must wash his car.

He has to work indoors.

She must be at home early.

She has to work outdoors.

We must be at the airport in time.

We have to pay for this course.

You must be at the office early.

You have to leave on Monday.

They must phone their parents.

They have to open the shop early.


indoors=inside (inauntru)

outdoors=outside (in afara)



Interrogative – present tense

Internal obligation

External obligation

MustI leavenow?

Do I have to wear a uniform at school?

Must you talk to him?

Do you have to send emails in your job?

Must he wash his car?

Does he have to work indoors?

Must she be at home early?

Does she have to work outdoors?

Must we be at the airport in time?

Do we have to pay for this course?

Must you be at the office early?

Do you have to leave on Monday?

Must they phone their parents?

Do they have to open the shop early?



Negative – Present Tense

I must not park my car here.

I mustn’t park my car here.

I do not have to pay for this course.

I don’t have to pay for this course.

You must not smoke here.

You mustn’t smoke here.

You do not have to come with me.

You don’t have to come with me.

He must not enter this room.

He mustn’t enter this room.

He does not have to leave now.

He doesn’t have to leave now.

She must not enter the office.

She mustn’t enter the office.

She does not have to leave the office.

She doesn’t have to leave the office.

We must not leave the building.

We mustn’t leave the building

We do not have to leave the building.

We don’t have to leave the building

You must not go there.

You mustn’t go there.

You do not have to go there.

You don’t have to go there.

They mustn’t use the phone.

They must not use the phone.

They do not have to use the phone.

They don’t have to use the phone.


to use =a folosi

building[bilding] = cladire

to build[bild]-built[bilt]-built[bilt]= a construi


Affirmative – Past Tense

I had to leave then.

I had to wear a uniform at  school.

You had to talk to him last night.

You had to send emails in your job.

He had to wash his car yesterday.

He had to work indoors.

She had to be at home early yesterday.

She had to work outdoors.

We had to be at the airport in time last week.

We had to pay for this course.

You had to be at the office early yesterday.

You had to leave on Monday.

They had to phone their parents.

They had to open the shop early.




Interrogative –Past Tense

Did I have to leave then?

Did I have to wear a uniform at  school?

Did you have to talk to him last night?

Did you have to send emails in your job?

Did he have to wash his car yesterday?

Did he have to work indoors?

Did she have to be at home early yesterday?

Did she have to work outdoors?

Did we have to be at the airport in time last week?

Did we have to pay for this course?

Did you have to be at the office early yesterday?

Did you have to leave on Monday?

Did they haveto phone their parents?

Did they have to open the shop early?



Observatii:to have/have got/to have to have =have got (a avea)

a)She has a big house.

    She has got a big house.

b) I have a lot of books.

    I have got a lot of books.

c) You have a nice room.   

     You have got a nice room.

d)  He has a CD player.

      He has got a CD player.

e)  We have a computer.

      We have got a computer.

f)   They have a big garden

      They have got a big garden.


2. to have to + verb (trebuie sa)

I have towork hard.

You have toleave now.

He has tophone his boss.

She has towear a uniform.

We have tolearn English.

You have totalk to them.

They have towrite a lot of emails.


4. Should = ar trebui (sfat, recomandare)- [şud]


I should take a rest today.

Ar trebui sa ma odihnesc azi.

You should visit your parents more often.

Ar trebui sa-i vizitezi pe parintii tai mai des.

He should leave right now.

El ar trebui sa plece chiar acum.

She should be more polite.

Ea ar trebui sa fie mai politicoasa.

We should meet our friends more often.

Ar trebui sa ne intalnim cu prietenii nostri mai des.

You should talk to your sister.

Tu ar trebui sa vorbesti cu sora ta.

They should spend their holiday abroad.

Ei ar trebui sa-si petreaca vacanta in strainatate.


to take a rest/to have a rest= a se odihni

right now=chiar acum


abroad[ă’bro:d]=in strainatate




Should I take a rest today?

Ar trebui sa ma odihnesc azi?

Should youvisit your parents more often?

Ar trebui sa-i vizitezi pe parintii tai mai des?

Should heleave right now?

El ar trebui sa plece chiar acum?

Should shebe more polite?

Ea ar trebui sa fie mai politicoasa?

Should wemeet our friends more often?

Ar trebui sa ne intalnim cu prietenii nostri mai des?

Should you talk to your sister?

Tu ar trebui sa vorbesti cu sora ta?

Should they pend their holiday abroad?

Ei ar trebui sa-si petreaca vacanta in strainatate?



I should not take a rest today.

I shouldn’t take a rest today.

You should not visit your parents more often.

You shouldn’t visit your parents more often.

He should not leave right now.

He shouldn’t leave right now.

She should not be more polite.

She shouldn’t be more polite.

We should not meet our friends more often.

We shouldn’t meet our friends more often.

You should not talk to your sister.

You shouldn’t not talk to your sister.

They should not spend their holiday abroad.

They shouldn’t not spend their holiday abroad.









an Englishman



a Scotsman



a Welshman



an Irishman



an Austrian



a Belgian



a Bulgarian



a Cypriot/Greek/Turkish

The Czech Republic


a Czech



a Dane



an Estonian



a Finn



a Frenchman



a German



a Greek



a Hungarian



an Italian



A Latvian



A Lithuanian



A Luxembourger



A Maltese

Holland (the Netherlands)


A Dutchman



A Pole



A Portuguese



A Romanian



A Slovak



A Slovenian



A Spaniard



A Swede



A Norwegian



A Swiss



The UK – The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The USA – The United States of America

The Netherlands