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C 1. CABBAGE twice cooked is death. Ciorba încãlzitã mult stricã la stomac. Ciorba încãlzitã nu-i bunã de mâncare. Sim. Take heed of reconciled enemies and of meat twice boiled. Cf. A broken FRIENDSHIP may be soldered, but will never be sound. Render unto CAESAR the things which are Caesar’s. Dati Cezarului cele ale Cezarului, iar lui Dumnezeu cele ale lui Dumnezeu. Sim. Every man should take his own. * Matthew 22, 21 / Matei. 22, 21 * Mark 12, 17 / Marcu 12, 17 * Luke 20, 25 / Luca 20, 25   You cannot have your CAKE and eat it. Nu poti fi si cu varza unsã si cu slãnina-n pod. Nu poti fi si cu pui si cu ouã si cu gãina grasã. Si cu porcul gras în bãtãturã si cu slãnina-n pod nu se poate. Si sãtul si cu punga plinã nu se poate.   It is easier for a CAMEL to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Mai lesne este sã treacã cãmila prin urechile acului decât sã intre un bogat în împãrãtia lui Dumnezeu. * Matthew 19, 24 / Matei 19, 24 * Luke 18, 25 / Luca 18, 25 The CAMEL going to seek horns, lost his ears. Cãmila vrând sã dobândeascã coarne si-a pierdut urechile. Nemultumitului i se ia darul. A CANDLE lights others and consumes itself. Omul ca lumânarea, când lumineazã, atunci se sfârseste. It is sometimes good to hold a CANDLE to the devil. E bine a da si dracului o lumânare. Trebuie sã dai câteodatã o lumânare si dracului. Sim. Give the devil his due. When the CANDLES are out, all women are fair. Noaptea si hâdele-s frumoase. Toanta, la lumânare, pare floare. Where the CARCASE is, there shall the eagles be gathered together. Unde este stârvul, acolo se adunã ciorile. Unde-i stârvul mai mare, acolo se strâng toti vulturii. Var. Wheresoever the carcase is, there will the ravens be gathered together. * Matthew 24, 28 / Matei 24, 28 * Luke 17, 37 / Luca 17, 37 CARE and diligence bring luck. Sârguinta e muma norocului. Prin muncã si stãruintã vei ajunge la dorintã. A creaking CART goes long on the wheels. Carul care scârtîie acela tine mai mult. Sim. A creaking door hangs long on its hinges. Don’t put the CART before the horse. Nu pune carul înaintea boilor. The best CART may overthrow. Si cel mai bun cãrãus rãstoarnã carul pe cel mai bun drum. The CASK savours of the first fill. Tot vasu spre aceia miroase, spre ce sã bagã într-însul mai nainte. Sim. It is kindly that the poke savour of the herring. A blate CAT makes a proud mouse. Când ai pisicã bãtrânã, soarecii-n casã fac stânã. A CAT has nine lives. Are nouã suflete ca pisica. Femeia are nouã suflete, ca pisicile. A CAT in gloves catches no mice. Pisica cu papuci nu prinde soareci. Cu papuci în picioare nu prinde pisica soarecele. A scalded CAT fears cold water. Pisica opãritã fuge si de apã rece. Sim. Once bitten twice shy. Cf. A burnt CHILD dreads the fire / A scalded DOG fears cold water / He that has been bitten by a SERPENT is afraid of a rope / Whom a SERPENT has bitten, a lizard alarms. That that comes of a CAT will catch mice. Ce naste din pisicã soareci mãnâncã. Sim. Cat after kind, good mouse-hunt. Cf. He that comes of a HEN must scrape. The CAT is hungry when a crust contents her. Flãmândului si o bucatã de mãmãligã rece i se pare plãcintã. Sim. Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings. The CAT would eat fish and would not wet her feet. Pisica dupã peste se prãpãdeste, dar nu si-ar uda labele sã-l prindã. When the CAT’s away, the mice will play. Când pisica nu-i acasã, soarecii joacã pe masã. All CATS are grey in the dark. Noaptea toatã vaca-i neagrã. Var. All cats are alike grey in the night. Without CERES and Bacchus, Venus grows cold. Dragoste chioarã pe rogojinã goalã. The CHAIN is no stronger than its weakest link. Dacã se rupe o verigã, tot lantul se desface. Cf. The THREAD breaks where it is weakest. Old CHAINS gall less than new. Obiceiul usureazã povara. The CHARITABLE give out at the door, and God puts in at the window. Aruncã binele tãu în dreapta si în stânga si la nevoie ai sã-l gãsesti. Binele ce-l faci la oarecine, ti-l întoarce vremea care vine. CHARITY begins at home. Milã mi-e de tine, dar de mine mi se rupe inima. Când casa ta are sete, nu vãrsa apa pe drumuri. Sim. Love your friend, but look to yourself / Every man is nearest himself. CHARITY covers a multitude of sins. Dragostea acoperã multime de pãcate. Dar din dar se face raiul. * 1 Peter 4, 8 / 1 Petru 4, 8 Who CHATTERS to you will chatter of you. Cine defaimã pe altul înaintea ta, el si pe tine o sã te defaime înaintea altuia. Cine înaintea noastrã grãieste pe altii de rãu, si pe noi înaintea altora ne va grãi de rãu. Those that eat CHERRIES with great persons shall have their eyes squirted out with the stones. Nu mânca cirese cu unul mai mare la masã cã-ti aruncã sâmburii în nas. Departe de cei mari, când cirese mãnâncã, cã toti sâmburii îi aruncã în obrazul tãu. Cu cei mari nu mânca cirese, nici nu te trage-n degete. Var. Eat peas with the king, and cherries with the beggar. Sim. Share not pears with your master, either in jest or in earnest. Take the CHESTNUTS out of the fire with the cat’s paw. A scoate castanele din foc cu mâna altuia. Sim. To take the nuts from the fire with the dog’s foot. Cf. It is good to strike the SERPENT’s head with your enemy’s hand. Do not count your CHICKENS before they are hatched. Toamna se numãrã bobocii. Sim. Never fry fish till it’s caught / / Count not four, except you have them in the wallet / Do not halloo till you are out of the wood. Cf. Don’t sell the BEAR’s skin before you have caught him / Don’t cross the BRIDGE till you come to it / It is not good praising a FORD till a man be over. A burnt CHILD dreads the fire. Cine s-a ars cu ciorbã suflã si în iaurt. Pe cine l-a ars pãsatul suflã si în apã rece. Sim. Once bitten twce shy. Cf. A scalded CAT fears cold water / A scalded DOG fears cold water / He that has been bitten by a SERPENT is afraid of a rope / Whom a SERPENT has bitten, a lizard alarms. A CHILD may have too much of his mother’s blessing. Copilul alintat e om stricat. Sim. Give a child till he craves, and a dog while his tail doth wave, and you’ll have a fair dog, but a foul knave. The CHILD says nothing, but what it heard by the fire. Astãzi copilul te vinde într-o lingurã de apã. Sim. What children hear at home, soon flies abroad. Better CHILDREN weep than old men. Mai bine sã plângã ei acum decât sã plâng eu mai târziu. Sim. The man who has not been flogged is not educated. Cf. Spare the ROD and spoil the child. CHILDREN and fools tell the truth. Copiii si nebunii spun adevãrul. Var. Children and fools cannot lie. Cf. DRUNKARDS and fools cannot lie. CHILDREN are poor men’s riches. Multimea copiilor, averea omului. CHILDREN when they are little make parents fools, when they are great they make them mad. Copii mici, griji mici, copii mari, griji mari. Var. Children when little make parents fool, when great, mad. A CHIP off the old block. Tandãra nu sare departe de trunchi. Aschia nu sare departe de pomul tãiat. Var. A chip of the old block. Cf. An APPLE never falls far from the tree / Like FATHER, like son / Like MOTHER, like daughter. CHRISTMAS comes but once a year. Nu întotdeauna e ziua de Pasti. Nu e întotdeauna vinerea mare. Cf. Every DAY is not Sunday. CHRISTMAS in mud, Easter in snow. Cine umblã la Crãciun în cãmase, la Pasti umblã cu cojoc. Var. Green Christmas brings white Easter. The nearer the CHURCH, the farther from God. Cu trupul în bisericã si cu gândul la dracu. Sim. He has one face to God and another to the devil. A piece of CHURCHYARD fits everybody. Pãmântul te naste, pãmântul te creste, pãmântul te mistuieste. Hasty CLIMBERS have sudden falls. Cine sare cam sus îndatã cade jos. Sim. The bigger they are, the harder they fall / The higher standing, the lower fall / The higher the mountain, the greater descent. No fine CLOTH can hide the clown. Porcu-i tot porc si-n ziua de Pasti. Every CLOUD has a silver lining. Nici un rãu fãrã bine. After black CLOUDS, clear weather. Dupã nori îi si senin, dupã dragoste si suspin. Dupã vreme rea, si senin. Cf. After a STORM comes a calm. Cut your COAT according to your cloth. Întinde petecul numai cât ajunge, cã se rupe. Sim. Stretch your arm no further than your sleeve will reach. Cf. Stretch your LEGS according to your coverlet. Do not look at the COAT, but at what is under the coat. Nu te uita la cojoc, ci te uitã la ce e sub cojoc. Nu te uita la haine, ci la ce este în haine. It is not the gay COAT that makes the gentleman. Haina nu face pe om (medic). Cf. The COWL does not make the monk. Near is my COAT, but nearer is my shirt. Cãmasa e mai aproape de piele decât haina. Cãmasa e mai aproape decât sumanul. Mai aproape-i cãmasa decât cojocul. Sim. Near is my doublet (kirtle, petticoat), but nearer is my smock. Cf. Near is my SHIRT, but nearer is my skin. The COAT makes the man. Haina face pe om. Dupã coajã se vede pomul, dupã hainã omul. Sim. Apparel makes the man / The garment makes the man / Fine feathers make fine birds / Dress up a stick and it does not appear to be a stick. Under a ragged COAT lies wisdom. Sub frunza cea mai proastã se gãseste poama coaptã. Cf. Never judge from APPEARANCES. Let the COBBLER stick to his last. Cizmarul pentru cizme numai rãspunde, iar nu si pentru nãdragi. Var. Let not the cobbler (shoemaker) go beyond his last. A COCK is bold on his own dunghill. Tot cocosul pe gunoiul lui cântã. Cocosul stãpân pe gunoiul sãu. Var. Every cock crows on his own dunghill. Sim. Every dog is a lion at home / Every dog is valiant at his own door. Cf. Every man is a KING in his own house. A ragged COLT may make a good horse. Dintr-o iapã tigãneascã iese un cal boieresc. Sim. Wanton kittens make sober cats. The COMFORTER’s head never aches. Durere strãinã sã-i fie de bine. COMMAND your man and do it yourself. Singur cine îsi gãteste, el mai cu poftã prânzeste. He is not fit to COMMAND others that cannot command himself. Cine nu se poate stãpâni pe sine, cum sã stãpâneascã pe altul? Sim. He that is master of himself will soon be master of others. He who COMMENCES many things finishes but few. Cine se apucã de multe, putine terminã. Când de multe de apuci, mai pe toate le încurci. Var. He who begins many things finishes but few. Sim. Overdoing is doing nothing to purpose. Evil COMMUNICATIONS corrupt good manners. Adunãrile cele rele stricã deprinderile cele bune. Exemplele rele stricã moravurile bune. * 1 Corinthians 15, 33 / 1 Corinteni 15, 33 There is no COMPANION like the penny. Prietenul omului este punga cu bani si sacul cu mãlai. Better be alone than in bad COMPANY. Mai bine singur în casã decât în rea adunare. Sim. Better to be beaten than be in bad company. Ill COMPANY brings many a man to the gallows. Cine are tovarãs nerod ajunge din pod în glod. CONFESS and be hanged. Cine cuteazã sã spunã adevãrul poate lesne umbla bãtut ca mãrul. A good CONSCIENCE is a soft pillow. Cugetul bun e cea mai moale pernã. Sim. A good conscience is a continual feast. A guilty CONSCIENCE feels continual fear. Omul de vinã se teme si de umbrã. Var. A guilty conscience needs no accuser. Cf. The THIEF does fear each bush an officer. CONTENT is happiness. Bunã fericire nu stã în bogãtie, ci într-o multumire a inimii de starea ei. CONTENT lodges oftener in cottages than palaces. Mai multã fericire e în bordeiul sãracului decât în palatul bogatului. No man is CONTENT with his lot. Nimeni nu-i multumit cu soarta lui. Sim. None is satisfied with his fortune. They need much whom nothing will CONTENT. Lacomul, si sãtul, flãmând este. Too many COOKS spoil the broth. Cu douã bucãtãrese iese ciorba prea sãratã sau nesãratã. Copilul cu multe moase rãmâne cu buricul netãiat. Unde sunt douã cumnate, rãmân vase nespãlate. Unde sunt nouã fete, moare pisica de sete. Unde sunt popi multi, moare pruncul nebotezat. A threefold CORD is not quickly broken. Sfoara pusã în trei nu se rupe degrabã. Funia cea îndoitã cu mult mai mult tine decât cea dezdoitã. * Ecclesiastes 4, 12 / Ecclesiastul 4, 12 In much CORN is some cockle. Nu e grâu fãrã neghinã. Cf. Every GRAIN has its bran. He that counts all COSTS will never put plough in the earth. Cine socoteste câte foi intrã-n plãcintã niciodatã nu mãnâncã plãcintã. Dacã socoti plãcinta din câte pãturi îi, n-o mai mãnânci. Give neither COUNSEL nor salt till you are asked for it. Nu da sfat, neîntrebat. Nu da povatã celui ce nu ti-o cere, cãci nu te ascultã. Sare, pânã nu cere, sã nu-i dai cuiva. Sim. Come not to counsel uncalled. The COUNSEL thou wouldst have another keep, first keep it thyself. E lesne a povãtui si anevoie a se povãtui. He that will not be COUNSELLED cannot be helped. Cine nu primeste sfat nu e nici de ajutat. Sim. In vain he craves advice that will not follow it. Though thou hast never so many COUNSELLORS, yet do not forsake the counsel of thy own soul. Pe toti sã-i asculti, dar din mintea ta sã nu iesi. Sã asculti de toatã lumea, dar dintr-ale tale sã nu iesi. So many COUNTRIES, so many customs. Câte tãri, atâtea obiceie. Câte bordeie, atâtea obiceie. Cf. Every LAND has its own law. In the COUNTRY of the blind the one-eyed man is king. În tara orbilor chiorul este împãrat. Chiorul între orbi este împãrat (rege). Var. In the Kingdom of blind men, the one-eyed is king. Where is well with me, there is my COUNTRY. Unde omul se multumeste, acolo raiul îl gãseste. Sim. A wise (valiant) man esteems every place to be his own country. Full of COURTESY, full of craft. Limbã dulce, dos viclean. În fatã te netezeste si în spate te ciopleste. All COVET, all lose. Cine doreste mult pierde si pe cel putin. Sim. Grasp all, lose all. Cf. He that too much EMBRACETH holds little. A COVETOUS man does nothing that he should till he dies. Dacã scumpul moare, atunci îi învie averea. Cf. He is like a SWINE, he’ll never do good while he lives. A COVETOUS man serves his riches, not they him. Nu scumpul stãpâneste banii, ci banii stãpânesc pe scump. Scumpul nu e stãpân pe banii lui, ci banii îl stãpânesc pe el. Sim. The rich are rather possessed by their money than possessors. The COVETOUS spends more than the liberal. Scumpul mai mult pãgubeste si lenesul mai mult aleargã. COVETOUSNESS breaks the bag. Lãcomia sparge sacul. Var. Covetousness bursts the sack / Too much breaks the bag. Sim. Over covetous was never good. Cf. You can have TOO MUCH of a good thing.. It is idle to swallow the COW and choke on the tail. Tot boul l-am mâncat si la coadã m-am ostenit. Var. To swallow an ox, and be choked with the tail. Let him that owns the COW, take her by the tail. Las, sã-i rupã coada a cui-i vaca. Set a COW to catch a hare. A prinde iepurele cu carul. The COW gives a good pail of milk and then kicks it over. Vaca rea dã cu piciorul când umple ciubãrul. The COWL does not make the monk. Rasa nu te face cãlugar. Nu tot ce poartã rasã si camilafcã e cãlugãr. Var. The hood (habit) does not make the monk. Cf. It is not the gay COAT that makes the gentleman. Plant the CRAB-TREE where you will, it will never bear pippins. Pomul pãduret, pãdurete poame scoate. CREDITORS have better memories than debtors. Cine dã nu uitã; uitã cel care ia. He that dwells next door to a CRIPPLE will learn to halt. Cu schiopul împreunã de vei locui, te-nveti si tu a schiopãta. Cu schiopii la un loc de sezi, te înveti sã schiopãtezi. He that mocks a CRIPPLE, ought to be whole. Pânã a nu râde de cel ce schiopãteazã, bagã de seamã bine, dacã tu umbli cu mult mai bine. Nu râde de altii, uitã-te la tine. Sim. If you mock the lame, you will go so yourself in time. That which is CROOKED cannot be made straight. Ce-i strâmb nu se poate îndrepta. * Ecclesiastes 1, 15 / Ecclesiastul 1, 15 Every man has his CROSS to bear. Fiecare îsi are necazurile sale. Cf. Every HEART has its own ache. The CROSS on his breast and the devil in his heart. Crestin cu crucea-n sân, cu dracu de-a spinare. A umbla cu crucea-n sân si cu dracu în inimã. Sim. The beads in the hand and the devil in capuch. Cf. BEADS about the neck and the devil in the heart. A CROW is never the whiter for washing herself often. Corbul în zadar se spalã, cã negreata nu si-o pierde. Pe arap, cât de mult îl vei spãla tot negru va rãmânea. Breed up a CROW and he will tear out your eyes. Creste puii tãi, cã de ei ai sã piei. Var. He has brought up a bird to pick out his own eyes. Cf. To nourish a SNAKE (viper) in one’s bosom. The CROW thinks her own bird fairest. Ciorii i se par puii ei de pãun. Si cioara îsi laudã puii. Var. The owl thinks her own young fairest. Cf. FAIR is not fair, but that which pleases. CROWS will not pick out crows’ eyes. Corb la corb nu scoate ochii. Cioarã la cioarã nu-si scoate ochii. Var. Hawks will not pick out hawks’ eyes. Put not an embroidered CRUPPER on an ass. Frâiele de aur nu fac mai bun calul. Cf. My old MARE would have a new crupper. CURSES, like chickens, come home to roost. Cine pe altii blesteamã, urgii asupra îsi cheamã. CUSTOM is a second nature. Obisnuinta-i o a doua naturã. Deprinderea e a doua naturã. Obiceiul dupã lege, a doua fire se-ntelege. CUSTOM rules the law. În sânge se preface datina. Deprinderea se face fire. Sim. The command of custom is great.   D 1. Where the DAM leaps over, the kid follows. Pe unde a sãrit capra trebuie sã sarã si iada. Capra sare masa, iada sare casa. Sim. As the old cock crows, so crows the young / The young pig grunts like the old sow. He that runs into DANGER must expect to perish therein. Cel care iubeste primejdia va cãdea într-însa. Sim. He that brings himself into needless dangers, dies the devil’s martyr. * Ecclesiasticus 3, 26 / Sirah 3, 26 The DANGER past and God forgotten. Dupã a noastrã scãpare, nici un sfânt cinste mai are. Sim. Once on shore, we pray no more./ The river past and God forgotten Cf. Call the BEAR uncle’ till you are safe across the bridge . He that would the DAUGHTER win must with the mother first begin. Vezi mama, apoi fata. Var. He that would the mistress win must with the maid first begin. Sim. Praise the child, and you make love to the mother. DAUGHTERS and dead fish are no keeping wares. Fata pânã-i mãrita, zile negre vei noda. Sim. Marry your daughter and eat fresh fish betimes / Marry your daughters betimes, lest they marry themselves. All’s alike at the latter DAY: a bag of gold and wisp of hay. Moartea nu va sã stie de averi, de bogãtie. Sim. Death is the great leveller / Six feet of earth make all men equal / At the end of the game the King and the pawn go into the same bag. Cf. DEATH makes equal the high and low / The END makes all equal. Every DAY is not Sunday. Nu-i toatã ziua duminecã. Var. Every day is no Yule-day. Cf. CHRISTMAS comes but once a year. He that fights and runs away may live to fight another DAY. Fuga e rusinoasã, dar e sãnãtoasã. Praise a fair DAY at night. Dupã ce apune soarele laudã ziua. Ziua bunã se laudã seara. Sã nu zici “ce zi frumoasã” pânã nu va însera. Nu preamãri ziua pânã nu apune soarele. Var. Praise day at night, and life at the end. Sim. The evening crowns the day / Say no ill of the year till it be past. Sufficient unto the DAY is the evil thereof. Ajunge zilei rãutatea ei. Sim. No day passes without some grief. * Matthew 6, 34 / Matei 6, 34 DEAD men don’t bite. Cine moare nu mai miscã. It is only the DEAD who do not return. Mortul de la groapã nu se mai întoarce. Let the DEAD bury their dead. Lasã mortii sã-si îngroape mortii lor. Var. Let the dead bury the dead and (let) the living lead a gay life. Cf. We must LIVE by the quick (living), not by the dead. * Matthew 8, 22 / Matei 8, 22 Say nothing of the DEAD but what is good. De morti nu trebuie sã vorbesti decât de bine. Sim. Never speak ill of the dead / Speak well of the dead. There’s none so DEAF as those who will not hear. Nu e mai surd decât cel care nu vrea sã audã. Nu e mai surd ca surdul ce se face cã nu aude. Var. None so deaf as those who won’t hear. After DEATH the doctor. I-a venit doctorul dupã moarte. DEATH keeps no calendar. Moartea nu spune când vine. DEATH makes equal the high and low. Mor întocmai ca tot omul si bogatul ca si robul. Sim. Death is the great leveller / At the end of the game the king and the pawn go into the same bag / Six feet of earth make all men equal. Cf. All’s alike at the latter DAY: a bag of gold and wisp of hay / The END makes all equal. Fear of DEATH is worse than death itself. Cine se teme de moarte si-a pierdut viata. The DEATH of the wolves is the safety of the sheep. Moartea lupului e sãnãtatea oilor. DEATHS foreseen come not. Moartea nu vine când o chemi, ci te ia când nu te temi. Of ill DEBTORS men take oats. De la un datornic rãu s-un sac de paie este bun. De la un datornic rãu nu vei lua nimic decât la poarta raiului. Cf. From a bad PAYMASTER get what you can. He who pays his DEBTS begins to make a stock. Omul e avut când nu e dator nimic. Cine nu e dator e destul de bogat. Sim. Out of debt, out of danger. A good DEED is never lost. Fapta bunã nu moare niciodatã. Sim. One never loses by doing a good turn. Cf. DO well and have well / One good TURN deserves another. DEEDS are males, and words are females. Vorbele sunt femei, faptele sunt bãrbati. DEEDS, not words. Faptele, faptele nu oala cu laptele. Cf. ACTIONS speak louder than words. All is not lost that is DELAYED. Amânarea nu-i pierzare. Ce s-a amânat nu s-a uitat. Sim. Delays are not denials. He that asks faintly begs a DENIAL. Cel neîndrãznet pierde multe bunuri. It is easier to DESCEND than to ascend. Într-un an de zile te sui la deal si într-un ceas te scobori la vale. He that has shipped the DEVIL must make the best of him. Bagi pe dracul în casã cu lãutari, si nu-l poti scoate cu sute de arhierei. Aduci pe dracul în casã cu lãutari si apoi nu-l scoti cu o mie de popi. Sim. He that takes the devil into his boat must carry him over the sound. One DEVIL drives out another. Dracu alb mãnâncã p-ãl negru. Sim. One poison drives out another. Cf. LIKE cures like / One NAIL drives out another. Talk of the DEVIL, and he is bound to appear. Vorbesti de dracul si el din dreptul tãu. Sim. The devil is never nearer than when we are talking of him / The devil is never far off. Cf. Talk of the WOLF and his tail appears. The DEVIL is not so black as he is painted. Dracul nu e asa de negru cum îl zugrãvesc oamenii. Nu e dracul asa de negru cum se spune. Sim. The lion is not so fierce as he is painted. The DEVIL knows many things because he is old. Fã-ti cruce mare, cã e dracu bãtrân. The DEVIL loves no holy water. Fuge ca dracul de tãmâie. The DEVIL lurks behind the cross. Câte cruci vei face dracul tot la spate sade. The DEVIL was sick, the devil a monk would be; the devil was well, the devil a monk was he. Dracu când a îmbãtrânit, atunci s-a cãlugãrit. Var. The devil was sick, the devil a monk would be. The DEVIL’s meal is all bran. Fãina dracului se preface toatã în tãrâte. DIAMOND cut diamond. Cu diamantul se taie diamantul. A man can DIE but once. O moarte are omul. Fiecare-i dator c-o moarte. Better DIE with honour than live with shame. Mai bine moarte cinstitã decât viata necinstitã. Mai bine mort decât cu rusinea în nas. Var. A fair death honours the whole life / Better a glorious death than a shameful life. The DIE is cast. Zarurile au fost aruncate. He that DIED half a year ago is as dead as Adam. Ce intrã în pãmânt curând se uitã. Cine a murit an, an s-a îngropat. Sim. To dead men and absent there are no friends left. Cast no DIRT into the well that hath given you water. Nu scuipa în put, cãci se poate întâmpla sã bei din el. Nu turbura fântâna ce te-a îndestulat. A DISEASE known is half cured. Boala cunoscutã (stiutã) e pe jumãtate vindecatã. Sim. A danger foreseen is half avoided. Desperate DISEASES must have desperate remedies. Pe durerea mare alta mai mare o tãmãduieste. Var. Desperate cuts must have desperate remedies. DISEASES come on horseback, but go away on foot. Boala vine cu posta si se întoarce pe jos. Cf. MISCHIEF comes by the pound and goes away by the ounce. Of two DISPUTANTS, the warmer is generally in the wrong. Cine nu are dreptate, acela tipã mai tare. Vinovatul mai mare gurã face. Make me a DIVINER and I will make thee rich. Fã-mã, de poti, prooroc, ca sã te fac cu noroc. Fã-mã, Doamne, prooroc, sã te fac împãrat. DO as I say, not as I do. Nu faceti ce fac eu, ci faceti ce zic eu. Cf. DO as the friar says, not as he does. DO as the friar says, not as he does. Fã ce zice popa, nu face ce face el. Ce zice popa sã faci, dar ce face popa sã nu faci. Cf. DO as I say, not as I do. DO as you may if you can’t do as you would. Când nu putem face ce voim, trebuie sã voim ce putem. Fã ce poti, când n-ai alta de fãcut. Sim. If we can’t as we would, we must do as we can / He that may not do as he would, must do as he may. DO as you would be done by. Ce tie nu-ti place altuia nu face. Cf. DO unto others as you would they should do unto you. DO not all you can; spend not all you have; believe not all you hear; and tell not all you know. Nu spune tot ce stii, nu crede tot ce auzi. DO right and fear no man. Fã-ti datoria si nu te teme. Fã bine si nu te teme de nimene. Sim. Do well and dread no shame. DO unto others as you would they should do unto you. Ceea ce vreti sã vã facã vouã oamenii, faceti si voi lor. Cf. DO as you would be done by. * Matthew 7, 12 / Matei 7, 12 * Luke 6, 31 / Luca 6, 31 DO well and have well. Bine faci, bine gãsesti. Cine face bine, bine gãseste. Sim. Do good: thou doest it for thyself. Cf. A good DEED is never lost / One good TURN deserves another. If thou thyself canst DO it, attend no other’s help or hand. Ce poti face singur nu astepta sã-ti facã altii. If you want a thing well done, DO it yourself. Carele însusi face, face cât trei. Self DO, self have. Cine face, siesi face. Cine face, lui îsi face. A barking DOG never bites. Câinele care latrã nu muscã. Câinele ce mult latrã niciodatã nu muscã. Var. Barking dogs seldom bite. Sim. His bark is worse than his bite / Great barkers are no biters / Brag’s a good dog, but dares not bite. A living DOG is better than a dead lion. Mai bine un câine viu decât un leu mort. * Ecclesiastes 9, 4 / Ecclesiastul 9, 4 A scalded DOG fears cold water. Câinele, când l-ai opãrit, fuge si de apã rece. Sim. Once bitten twice shy. Cf. A scalded CAT fears cold water / A burnt CHILD dreads the fire / He that has been bitten by a SERPENT is afraid of a rope / Whom a SERPENT has bitten, a lizard alarms. An old DOG barks not in vain. Câinele bãtrân nu latrã degeaba. Cf. If the old DOG barks, he gives counsel. Beware of a silent DOG and still water. Fereste-te de câine mut si de om tãcut. Cel tãcut si smerit ca apa cea linã ce îndatã te însalã. Var. Beware of a silent man and still water. DOG does not eat dog. Câine pe câine nu mãnâncã. Lupii nu se mãnâncã între dânsii. He that keeps another man’s DOG shall have nothing left him but the line. Nu da pâine câinilor altuia, cã te latrã ai tãi. He that would hang his DOG gives out first that he is mad. Cine vrea sã-si ucidã câinele sãu destul sã zicã cã e turbat. Sim. Give a dog a bad name and hang him. Cf. It is easy to find a STICK to beat a dog. If the old DOG barks, he gives counsel. Când latrã un câine bãtrân sã iesi afarã. Câine bãtrân sã te pãzesti, din casa ta sã nu izgonesti. Cf. If you wish good ADVICE, consult an old man / An old DOG barks not in vain. Like the gardener’s DOG, that neither eats cabbages himself, nor lets anybody else. Câinele sade pe fân: nici mãnâncã, nici va sã lase calul mãcar sã-l miroase. Câinele osul nu-l roade si nici pe altul nu-l lasã sã-l roadã. Love me, love my DOG. Cinsteste pe câine pentru al sãu stãpân. Pentru stãpân si pe câine mângâi. You cannot teach an old DOG new tricks. Calul bãtrân cu greu se învatã la ham. Var. It is hard to teach an old dog tricks. Cut off a DOG’s tail and he will be a dog still. În zadar gugulesti coada de câine, cã tot aceea rãmâne. Dead DOGS bite not. Câinele mort nu mai muscã. DOGS bark, but the caravan goes on. Câinii latrã, caravana trece. Cf. The MOON does not heed the barking of dogs. DOGS wag their tails, not so much in love to you as to your bread. Nu te încrede în câinele care dã din coadã. Miluieste câinele de vrei sã-ti fâtâie coada. If you lie down with DOGS, you will get up with fleas. Cine doarme cu câinii se scoalã plin de purici. Var. He that sleeps with dogs must rise up with fleas. Let sleeping DOGS lie. Nu destepta câinele care doarme. Când doarme câinele lasã-l în pace. Sim. Wake not a sleeping lion. Many DOGS may easily worry* one hare. Multi câini sunt moartea iepurelui. *kill Two DOGS strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it. Când doi se ceartã al treilea câstigã. Two DOGS to one bone, may never accord in one. Doi câini se nãrãvesc la un os. Var. Two dogs over one bone seldom agree. By DOING nothing we learn to do ill. Lucrul face sãnãtate, trândãvia tot pãcate. Cf. IDLENESS is the mother of all vice. In DOING we learn. Fãcând înveti sã faci. Cel ce munceste învatã. What’s DONE cannot be undone. Lucrul fãcut nu se mai poate desface. Ce-i fãcut e bun fãcut. Sim. Things done cannot be undone / The thing that’s done has an end. An open DOOR may tempt a saint. Usa deschisã pe oricine primeste. The back DOOR robs the house. Casa cu douã usi e greu de pãzit. Sim. A postern door makes a thief / Ease makes thief / The hole calls the thief. Cf. An open DOOR may tempt a saint / OPPORTUNITY makes the thief. At open DOORS dogs come in. Câinele nu intrã dacã nu-i usa deschisã. When DRINK is in, wit is out. Omul la betie cade-n nebunie. The more one DRINKS, the more one may. Cine a bãut o sã bea; cine a furat o sã fure. The last DROP makes the cup run over. Picãtura cea mai de pe urmã vasul gãureste. Sim. The last straw breaks the camel’s back. Constant DROPPING wears away the stone. Picãturile îndesate gãuresc si piatra. Picãtura micã gãureste piatra tare. * Job 14, 19 / Iov 14, 19 Many DROPS make a shower. Picãturã cu picãturã se face lacul mare. Apele mici fac râurile mari. Strop dupã strop face siroi de apã. Sim. Large streams from little fountains flow. Cf. MANY small make a great / PENNY and penny laid up will be many. A DROWNING man will clutch at a straw. Omul când e sã se înece se agatã si de un pai. Omul care se îneacã se agatã de orice scândurã. Omul la nevoie se prinde si de ascutisul sãbiei. He that killeth a man when he is DRUNK must be hanged when he is sober. El ce face la betie se cãeste la trezie. DRUNKARDS and fools cannot lie. Copiii, nebunii si omul beat vorbesc adevãrul. De la nebun si de la beat adevãrul este lesne de aflat. Var. Drunkards and fools speak truth. Cf. CHILDREN and fools tell the truth. He who gives a DUCK, expects a goose. Dã un ou ca sã ai un bou. A da azi un ou ca sã capeti mâine un bou. Dã una ca sã-ti dea zece. All are of the DUST, and all turn to dust again. Amândoi au iesit di pulbere si amândoi în pulbere se întorc. He that blows in the DUST fills his eyes with it. Cine suflã-n foc îi sar scânteile în ochi.
M 1. All meats to be eaten, and all MAIDS to be wed. Glia trebuie aratã si fecioara mãritatã. Floare nescuturatã, claie de fân nemâncatã si fatã nemãritatã, arar s-a vãzut. A MAN of straw is worth a woman of gold. Decât muiere de aur, mai bine bãrbat de paie. A MAN without a wife is but half a man. Casa fãrã femeie e pustie pe dinãuntru. Casa fãrã muiere, ca o floare fãrã miros. Cf. It is not good that the man should be ALONE. Every MAN for himself and God for us all. Fiecare pentru sine, Dumnezeu pentru toti. Every MAN has his faults. Nu e om fãrã cusur. Fiecare are câte o meteahnã. Sim. Shew me a man without a spot, and I’ll shew you a maid without a fault. Cf. Men are not ANGELS. Every MAN must walk in his own trade. Fiecare, în chemarea în care a fost chemat, în aceasta sã rãmânã. Var. Every man must walk in his own calling. Sim. Every man as his business lies. * I Corinthians 7, 20 / I Corinteni 7, 20 Let an ill MAN lie in thy straw, and he looks to be thy heir. Pe cine primesti în casã, te scoate din casã afarã. Sim. I gave the mouse a hole and she is become my heir. MAN proposes, God disposes. Nu-i cum gândeste omul, ci cum vrea Domnul. Una spune omul si alta face Domnul. No MAN is born into the world, whose work is not born with him. Omul e nãscut sã umble si pasãrea sã zboare. Omul e dator sã munceascã sã nu-l gãseascã moartea sezând. Remember thou art but a MAN. Omu-i om si numai om. The hurt MAN writes with steel on a marble stone. Cele rele sã le scrii pe apa ce curge, iar facerea de bine în piatrã sã o sapi. Nedreptãtile scrie-le pe nisip, iar binefacerile pe marmurã. Sim. Injuries are written in brass. MANY are called, but few are chosen. Multi chemati, putini alesi. * Matthew 20, 16; 22, 14 / Matei 20, 16; 22, 14 MANY small make a great. Putin si des face mult. Sim. Many a little makes a mickle. Cf. Many DROPS make a shower / PENNY and penny laid up will be many. My old MARE would have a new crupper. La mãgãrita bãtrânã, frâu poleit. Cf. Put not an embroidered CRUPPER on an ass. You are like the man that sought his MARE, and he riding on her. Catã Nenea iapa, cãlare pe ea. Cf. The BUTCHER looked for his knife and it was in his mouth / You look for the HORSE you ride on. He that cannot abide a bad MARKET deserves not a good one. Negustorul trebuie sã aibã un pântec larg ca sã treacã prin el si bune si rele. A good MARKSMAN may miss. Chiar omul cu judecatã greseste câteodatã. MARRIAGES are made in heaven. Cãsãtoriile sunt scrise în cer. He that MARRIES late, marries ill. Însoarã-te pânã nu-ti trece vremea. Mâncarea de dimineatã si însurãtoarea de tânãr sunt bune. Before you MARRY, be sure of a house, wherein to tarry. Cine se însoarã trebuie sã aibã de moarã. MARRY your equal. Sã-ti iei nevasta de potriva ta. Var. Marry your like (match). Sim. Like blood, like good, and like age, make the happiest marriage. Better MASTER one than engage with ten. Decât slugã de trei lei, mai bine stãpân de un ban. He can ill be a MASTER that never was a scholar. Nu te arãta dascãl pânã a nu fi ucenic. Like MASTER, like man. Cum e stãpânul si sluga. Cum e boierul si sluga. Cf. Like KING, like people. MASTER absent and house dead. Când stãpânul nu-ngrijeste, starea i se primejduieste. No man is his craft’s MASTER the first day. Mestesugul vreme cere, nu se-nvatã din vedere. Cf. None is born a MASTER. None is born a MASTER. Nimenea nu se naste mester. Nimeni nu se naste învãtat. Cf. No man is his craft’s MASTER the first day. Where every man is MASTER the world goes to wreck. Corabia cu doi cârmaci se îneacã. Cf. There is no good ACCORD where every man would be a lord. No man can serve two MASTERS. Nu poti sluji la doi stãpâni deodatã. Cf. You cannot serve GOD and Mammon. * Matthew 6, 24 / Matei 6, 24 * Luke 16, 13 / Luca 16, 13 He that is not with ME is against me. Cine nu este cu mine este împotriva mea. * Matthew 12, 30 / Matei 12, 30 * Luke 11, 23 / Luca 11, 23 The MEAN is the best. Calea de mijloc e cea mai bunã. Sim. The middle way of measure is ever golden. Use the MEANS, and God will give the blessing. Pune mâna si o sã punã si Dumnezeu mila. And with what MEASURE you meet, it shall be measured to you again. Cu ce mãsurã vei mãsura, cu aceea ti se va mãsura. Banita cu care dai cu aceea primesti. * Matthew 7, 2 / Matei 7, 2 * Luke 6, 38 / Luca 6, 38 MEASURE for measure. Dupã faptã si rãsplatã. MEASURE thrice what thou buyest; and cut it but once. Mãsoarã de multe ori si croieste o datã. Var. Measure twice, cut but once. There is a MEASURE in all things. Mãsurã la toate, cea mai bunã dreptate. Sim. Measure is treasure / Moderation in all things. After MEAT, mustard. Dupã ploaie vine si el cu ipingeaua. Var. After dinner, mustard. Cf. After DEATH the doctor. The MEEK will inherit the earth. Blândul mosteneste pãmântul. * Matthew 5, 5 / Matei 5, 5 * Psalms 36, 11,29 / Psalmii 36, 11,29 All MEN are free of other men’s goods. Usor e a da din a altuia. Sim. Men are very generous with what costs them nothing. Cf. Men cut large THONGS of other men’s leather. All MEN are mortal. Câte flori sunt pe pãmânt, toate se duc în mormânt. Sim. It is as natural to be born as to die. Cf. He that is once BORN, once must die / All that LIVES must die. Mind other MEN, but most yourself. Nu da cãmasa pentru altii, ca tu sã rãmâi în pielea goalã. So many MEN, so many opinions. Câti oameni, atâtea pãreri. Var. Many men have many minds. Cf. So many HEADS, so many minds. Tall MEN had ever very empty heads. Înalt cât o prãjinã si prost cât o ceapã. There are more MEN threatened than stricken. Amenintarea fãrã putere e desartã. He that loses is MERCHANT as well as he that gains. De câstigi, de pãgubesti, tot negustor te numesti. MESSENGERS should neither be headed nor hanged. Capul solului nu se taie. Either by MIGHT or by sleight. Unde puterea nu ascultã, vulpea ajutã. Cf. If the LION’s skin cannot the fox’s shall. MIGHT is right. Unde este puterea acolo-i si dreptatea. In vain is the MILL-CLOCK if the miller his hearing lack. În zadar bate toaca pentru baba surdã. Every MILLER draws water to his own mill. Fiecare îsi trage spuza pe turta lui. Mânã apa la moara lui. A contented MIND is a continual feast. Inima multumitã este un ospãt necurmat. Cf. CONTENT is happiness. * Proverbs 15, 15 / Pilde 15, 15 A sound MIND in a sound body. În trup sãnãtos, minte voioasã. He that MISCHIEF hatches, mischief catches. Cine samãnã rãutãti, iarã rãutãti va secera. Cf. He that HURTS another hurts himself. MISCHIEF comes by the pound and goes away by the ounce. Boala intrã cu carul si iese pe urechea acului. Cf. DISEASES come on horseback, but go away on foot. MISCHIEF has swift wings. Rãul vine iute, binele încet. The MISER is always in want. Zgârcitul e totdeauna sãrac. MISFORTUNES never come singly. O nenorocire nu vine niciodatã singurã. Un rãu niciodatã nu vine singur. Var. Misfortunes never come alone. Sim. Disgraces are like cherries, one draws another / One misfortune comes on the neck of another / It never rains but it pours. Cf. Of one ILL come many. MODERATION in all things. Doctorul cel mai bun este cumpãtul. Cumpãna, nepoate, e bunã la toate. A man without MONEY is no man at all. Omul fãrã bani e ca pasãrea fãrã aripi; când dã sã zboare cade jos si moare. Sim. A gentleman without an estate is like a pudding without suet / A man without money is a bow without an arrow. He that has MONEY has what he wants. Cine are bani are de toate. Cu bani cumperi si brânzã de iepuri. Cu bani gãsesti si lapte de pasãre. He that has no MONEY needs no purse. Sãracului nu-i trebuie pungã. Lend your MONEY and lose your friend. Cine dã împrumut îsi face dusmani. Nu împrumuta pe cel ce voiesti prieten sã-l dobândesti. Sim. When I lent, I had a friend; but when I asked, he was unkind. Cf. If you would make an ENEMY, lend a man money, and ask it of him again. MONEY answers all things. Banii rãspund la toate. * Ecclesiastes 10, 19 / Ecclesiastul 10, 19 MONEY commands all. Paraua e micã, dar loc mare prinde. Sim. All things are obedient to money / Love does much, money does everything. Cf. MONEY will do anything.. MONEY draws money. Banul la ban trage. Ban pe ban momeste. Sim. Money begets money. MONEY is round, and rolls away. Banul e fãcut rotund, lesne se rostogoleste. MONEY makes money. Banii fac bani. Cu bani faci bani. Cf. MONEY draws money. MONEY makes the man. Banul îl face pe om. Sim. It is not what is he, but what has he. MONEY makes the world go round. Banul e o micã roatã ce-nvârteste lumea toatã. MONEY opens all doors. Banul deschide usile fãrã chei. Banul e cheia cu care se deschide orice usã. MONEY will do anything. Cu bani faci toate. Cu bani poate omul face orice lucru îi place. Sim. All things are obedient to money / Love does much, money does everything. Cf. MONEY commands all. The MOON does not heed the barking of dogs. Câinele latrã la lunã toatã noaptea si luna nu-l ascultã niciodatã. De lãtratul unui câine sã nu-ti pese. Var. The dog (wolf) barks in vain at the moon. Cf. DOGS bark, but the caravan goes on. The MOON is not seen where the sun shines. Cine se încãlzeste la soare nu-i pasã de lunã. Soarele sã-mi fie bun, luna sã o mãnânce vârcolacii. Luna mi s-a mâniat, soarele sã-mi trãiascã. Var. Stars are not seen where the sun shines. The MORE you get, the more you want. De ce ai, de ce ai mai avea. Cu cât are cineva tot ar vrea sã mai aibã. Cf. MUCH would have more / He that has PLENTY of good shall have more. Like MOTHER, like daughter. Cum e mama si fata. Cf. A CHIP off the old block / Like FATHER, like son. * Ezekiel 16, 44 / Iezechiel 16, 44 The good MOTHER says not, Will you? but gives. Mama cea bunã nu-ntreabã pe copii de le e foame. MOTHER-IN-LAW and daughter-in-law are a tempest and hail storm. Soacra cu nora ca pisica cu soarecele. If the MOUNTAIN will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet must go to the mountain. Dacã nu vine Mahomed la munte, vine muntele la Mahomed. The MOUNTAINS have brought forth a mouse. S-a scremut muntele si a nãscut un soarece. A MOUSE in time may bite in two a cable. Cu muncã si îngãduialã dintii sorecutului taie odgonul de la corabie. Soarecii si fierul îl rod. The MOUSE that has but one hole is quickly taken. Soarecele cu o gaurã numai, îndatã îl prinde pisica. A close MOUTH catches no flies. În gura închisã nu intrã musca. Var. Into a shut mouth flies fly not. Ask MUCH to have a little. Cere mult ca sã poti cãpãta putin. MUCH would have more. Omul este nesãtios: cu cât are, tot ar vrea sã mai aibã. Cf. The MORE you get, the more you want / He that has PLENTY of good shall have more. He who wants a MULE without a fault, must walk on foot. Cine cautã cal fãrã cusur merge pe jos. What MUST be, must be. Ce-o fi, o fi. Sim. Whatever happens, all happens as it should. Cf. No flying from FATE / The FATED will happen / He that is born to be HANGED shall be never drowned.   N 1. For want of a NAIL the shoe is lost; for want of a shoe the horse is lost; for want of a horse the rider is lost. Pentru un cui pierzi o potcoavã. Cine nu se îndurã de un cui pierde si potcoava. Din lipsa unui cui se pierde carul. Pentru una a pierdut Stan cãciula. Sim. Oft times for sparing of a little cost a man has lost the large coat for the hood. One NAIL drives out another. Cui pe cui se scoate. Cuiul cel nou scoate pe cel vechi afarã. Sim. One poison drives out another. Cf. One DEVIL drives out another / LIKE cures like. No NAKED man is sought after to be rifled. O sutã de tâlhari nu pot despuia pe un sãrac gol. Mii si sute de voinici nu pot dezbrãca pe cel gol si despuiat. Cf. The BEGGAR may sing before the thief. A good NAME is better than riches. Numele bun e mai bun ca aurul. Var. A good name is better than gold. Sim. Good name is better than a good face. * Proverbs 22, 1 / Pilde 22, 1 He that has an ill NAME is half hanged. Mai bine sã-ti iasã un ochi decât un nume rãu. Decât sã-ti iasã nume rãu, mai bine ochii din cap. Sim. Ill deemed, half hanged / An ill wound is cured, not an ill name. NATURE does nothing in vain. Firea în zadar ceva a face nu se osteneste, nici de lucrul fãcut vreodatã se cãieste. NECESSITY has no law. Nevoia schimbã legea. Lipsa frânge legea. NECESSITY is the mother of invention. Nevoia e mama nãscocirilor. Nevoia învatã pe om. Sim. The belly teaches all arts / Hunger is the teacher of the arts. Cf. POVERTY is the mother of all arts. NEED makes the old wife trot. Nevoia te duce si pe unde nu ti-e voia. Sim. Adversity makes strange bedfellows / Need makes the naked man run and sorrow makes websters spin. When NEED is highest, God’s help is nighest. La barza chioarã face Dumnezeu cuib. Sim. When the night’s darkest, the dawn’s nearest. A good NEIGHBOUR, a good morrow. Vecin bun ai nimerit, mare bine-ai dobândit. Sim. All is well with him who is beloved of his neighbours / You must ask your neighbour if you shall live in peace. Cf. A near NEIGHBOUR is better than a far-dwelling kinsman. A near NEIGHBOUR is better than a far-dwelling kinsman. Mai bun e un vecin aproape de tine, decât un frate departe. Var. Better is a neighbour that is near than a brother far off. Sim. All is well with him who is beloved of his neighbours. Cf. A good FRIEND is my nearest relation / A good NEIGHBOUR, a good morrow. * Proverbs 27, 10 / Pilde 27, 10 Love thy NEIGHBOUR as thyself. Iubeste pe aproapele tãu ca pe tine însuti. * Leviticus 19, 18 / Leviticul 19, 18 * Matthew 19, 19; 22, 39 / Matei 19, 19; 22, 39 * Mark 12, 31,33 / Marcu 12, 31,33 * Luke 12, 27 / Luca 12, 27 * Romans 13, 9 / Romani 13, 9 * Galatians 5, 14 / Galateni 5, 14 You must ask your NEIGHBOUR if you shall live in peace. Sã cumperi vecinii întâi si apoi casa. Atâta tine pacea, pânã vrea vecinul. Look to thyself when thy NEIGHBOUR’s house is on fire. La casa aprinsã si vecinul vrãjmas aleargã sã o stingã. He dwells far from NEIGHBOURS that is fain to praise himself. Cel ce are vecini rãi se laudã singur. In vain the NET is spread in the sight of any bird. Zadarnic se întind curse în vãzul pãsãrilor! * Proverbs 1, 17 / Pilde 1, 17 Everything NEW is fine. Ce e nou e si frumos. Sim. New things are fair. Bad NEWS has wings. Vestea rea se duce ca glontul. Var. Bad news travels fast. Cf. Ill NEWS comes apace. Ill NEWS comes apace. Rãul s-aude lesne. Vorba rea fuge mai tare ca cea bunã. Var. Ill news comes unsent for. Cf. Bad NEWS has wings. Ill NEWS is too often true. Vorba de rãu mai lesne se crede. NIGHT is the mother of counsel. Noaptea este sfetnic bun. Sim. To take counsel of (consult with) one’s pillow. The NIGHT comes when no man can work. Vine noaptea când nimeni nu poate sã lucreze. * John 9, 4 / Ioan 9, 4 What is done by NIGHT appears by day. Ce se naste pe întuneric trebuie sã se vadã la luminã. Ziua multe descoperã. * Luke 12, 3 / Luca 12, 3 He that has NOTHING need fear to lose nothing. De la cel ce n-are nu vei lua. Sim. You cannot lose what you never had. Cf. A man cannot GIVE what he hasn’t got / Where nothing is, the KING must lose his right. NOTHING comes of nothing. Din nimic, nimic rãsare. Din nimic, tot nimic iese. Var. From nothing nothing can come. Sim. Nought lay down, nought take up. NURTURE passes nature. Scoala face pe omul, om si altoiul pomul, pom. Cf. ART improves nature.   O 1. An OAK is not felled at one stroke. Copacul nu cade dintr-o loviturã. Numai c-o loviturã copacul nu cade. Sim. Many strokes fell great (tall) oaks. OAKS may fall when reeds stand the storm. Vântul la pãmânt n-aruncã buruieni, ci pe cei mai mari copaci. He that cannot OBEY cannot command. Înainte de a porunci învatã a te supune. Sim. He commands enough that obeys a wise man / No man can be a good ruler unless he has first been ruled. He that measures OIL shall anoint his fingers. A bãga mâna în miere si a nu-ti linge degetele nu se poate. Cine-si bagã mâna-n miere si nu-si linge degetele? Cf. He that has to do with what is FOUL never comes away clean / He that touches PITCH shall be defiled. Pouring OIL on the fire is not the way to quench it. Nu turna spirt pe foc. Nu mai turna foc peste para aprinsã. If you would not live to be OLD, you must be hanged when you are young. Cine nu vrea sã îmbãtrâneascã, sã se spânzure. Never too OLD to learn. Nu e omul niciodatã bãtrân, când e vorba de învãtãturã. A învãta nicicând nu e târziu. Cf. LIVE and learn. None so OLD that he hopes not for a year of life. Omul cât sã-mbãtrâneascã, tot cere sã mai trãiascã. OLD men are twice children. Omul când îmbãtrâneste, copilãreste. Though OLD and wise, yet still advise. Si trecut fiind în vârstã nu vei gresi ascultând. ONE and none is all one. Unul ca nici unul. Unul singur ca nici unul. Sim. One is no number. ONE does the scathe, and another has the scorn. Unul face si altul trage. OPPORTUNITY makes the thief. Ocazia face pe hot. Prilejul te face hot. Sim. Ease makes thief / The hole calls the thief. Cf. An open DOOR may tempt a saint / The back DOOR robs the house. OPPRESSION makes a wise man mad. Asuprirea poate sã facã nebun pe un întelept. * Ecclesiastes 7, 7 / Ecclesiastul 7, 7 An OUNCE of fortune is worth a pound of forecast. Mai bine un dram de noroc decât un car de minte. La un car de minte trebuie douã de noroc. Var. An ounce of good fortune is worth a pound of discretion. An old OX makes a straight furrow. Boii bãtrâni fac brazda dreaptã. An OX is taken by the horns, and a man by the tongue. Boul se leagã de coarne si omul de limbã. Boii se leagã cu funia, si oamenii cu vorba. Sim. Words bind men. Muzzle not the OXEN’s mouth. Sã nu legi gura dobitocului ce treierã. Vitei care treierã nu i se leagã gura. Boul nu treierã cu gura legatã.
Should = ar trebui (sfat, recomandare)– [şud] Affirmative I should take a rest today. Ar trebui sa ma odihnesc azi. You should visit your parents more often. Ar trebui sa-i vizitezi pe parintii tai mai des. He should leave right now. El ar trebui sa plece chiar acum. She should be more polite. Ea ar trebui sa fie mai politicoasa. We should meet our friends more often. Ar trebui sa ne intalnim cu prietenii nostri mai des. You should talk to your sister. Tu ar trebui sa vorbesti cu sora ta. They should spend their holiday abroad. Ei ar trebui sa-si petreaca vacanta in strainatate.   to take a rest/to have a rest = a se odihni right now = chiar acum polite[pălait] = politicos abroad [ă’bro:d] = in strainatate Interrogative Should I take a rest today? Ar trebui sa ma odihnesc azi? Should you visit your parents more often? Ar trebui sa-i vizitezi pe parintii tai mai des? Should heleave right now? El ar trebui sa plece chiar acum? Should she be more polite? Ea ar trebui sa fie mai politicoasa? Should we meet our friends more often? Ar trebui sa ne intalnim cu prietenii nostri mai des? Should you talk to your sister? Tu ar trebui sa vorbesti cu sora ta? Should they pend their holiday abroad? Ei ar trebui sa-si petreaca vacanta in strainatate?     I should not take a rest today. I shouldn’t take a rest today. You should not visit your parents more often. You shouldn’t visit your parents more often. He should not leave right now. He shouldn’t leave right now. She should not be more polite. She shouldn’t be more polite. We should not meet our friends more often. We shouldn’t meet our friends more often. You should not talk to your sister. You shouldn’t not talk to your sister. They should not spend their holiday abroad. They shouldn’t not spend their holiday abroad.  
.Post in English lessons – verbs
Subject Pronoun D/Ac Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronoun I me Myhouse It’s mine You you Yourhouse It’s yours He him Hishouse It’s his She her Herhouse It’s hers It it Its house It’s its We us Ourhouse It’s ours You you Yourhouse It’s yours They them Theirhouse It’s theirs   Prepositions (II) near=next to=beside I am sitting next to you. I am sitting beside you.   behind=at the back of =in spatele Tha garage is behind the house. The garage is at the back of the house   in front of The garden is in front of the house.   ahead of We had many cars ahead of us. She has a wonderful career ahead of her.   along He is walking along the road.     along with I am studying history along with geography.   together with I am together with my friends. The bear is together with its cubs. – Ursul este impreuna cu puii sai.   with I am staying with my parents at a nice hotel.   without I can’t do without your help.   over/above The picture is over the fireplace. The sky is above us.   under/below/beneath The cat is under the table. There are 3 degrees C below zero. The fish is swimming beneath the water.   for The present is for my sister. I have known her for2 years.   from Where are you from? I am from London.   About They are talking about the weather. He will arrive atabout 8 o’clock.   around We have a beautiful garden around the house. He will arrive around8 o’clock.   To listen to I am listening to music. I am listening to the news on the radio. They are listening to their teacher. What are you listening to? Who are they listening to? To wait for (sb./sth) He is waiting for the bus. She is waiting for her friends. What is he waiting for? Who is she waiting for? To look at I am looking at the pictures. What are you looking at? To look for He is looking for his glasses. What is he looking for? To look after (to take care of) My mother is looking after my children. Who is looking after your children? To speak about The teacher is speaking about the environment. What is the teacher speaking about? To speak to The teacher is speaking to the students. Who is the teacher speaking to? To talk about They are talking about next week’s party. What are they talking about? To talk to My mother is talking to her friend. Who is your mother talking to? To complain about They are complaining about the weather. What are they complaining about? To worry about She is worried about her health. What is she worried about? To think of/about I am thinking of my friends. I am thinking about my holiday. Who are you thinking of? What are you thinking about? SOME, ANY, NO Af. There are some books on the table./Sunt niste carti pe masa. Some– se foloseste pt. afirmativ Int. Are there any books on the table?/Sunt (se afla) niste carti pe masa? any– se foloseste pt. interogativ si negativ Neg. There aren’t any books on the table./Nu sunt (niste) carti pe masa There are no books on the table./Nu sunt (niste) carti pe masa no– se foloseste pt. negativ (nu se mai pune « not » ) *You can take any book you want/Poti lua orice carte vrei. any folosit afirmativ inseamna “orice” * Can I have some milk, please?/Imi dati va rog, niste lapte? some- se foloseste la interogativ pt. o rugaminte politicoasa (este de fapt o falsa intrebare) SOMETHING, ANYTHING, NOTHING Af. There is something on the table./Este (se afla) ceva pe masa . Something– se foloseste pt. afirmativ Int. Is there anything on the table?/Este (se afla) ceva pe masa? anything- se foloseste pt. interogativ si negativ Neg. There isn’t anything on the table./Nu este (nu se afla) nimic pe masa. There is nothing on the table./Nu este (nu se afla) nimic pe masa. nothing– se foloseste pt. negativ (nu se mai pune « not » ) *You can take anything you want/Poti lua orice carte vrei. anything folosita afirmativ inseamna “orice”
4. DIATEZA PASIVA (PASSIVE VOICE)     Active                                                            Passive He helps. (El ajută)                                       He is helped. (El este ajutat) He has helped.                                                He has been helped He helped.                                              He was helped. He will help.                                                    He will be helped.                                                                  5. PRONUMELE (PRONOUNS)     #  Pronume personale cu funcţie de subiect (Subject pronouns [sΛbd3ekt] [prounauns]/ [sabgect pronauns]:   I [ai] = eu                                           She [∫i:] / [şii] = ea You [ju:] / [iuu] = tu                    It [it] = el/ea pentru obiecte sau elemente din natură He [hi:] / [hii] = el                             We [wi: ] / [uii] = noi You [ju:] / [iuu] = voi                        They [ðei] / [zei] = ei/ele   # Pronume personale cu funcţie de complement (Object [obd3ekt]/ [obgect] pronouns)   Me [mi: ] / [mii] = pe mine, mie Her [hər] / [hăr] = pe ea, ei You [ju:] / [iuu] = pe tine, ţie  It [it] = pe el/ea, lui/ei Him [him] = pe el, lui               Us [Λs] / [as] = pe noi, nouă You [ju:] / [iuu] = pe voi, vouă Them [ðem] /[zem] = pe ei/ele, lor   # Pronume posesive (Possessive pronouns):   Mine [main] = al meu              Hers [hərz] / [hărz] = al ei Yours [jo:rz] / [iorz] = al tău  its [its] / [iţ] = al lui/ei His [hiz] = al lui                        Ours [auərz] / [auărz]= al nostrum Yours [jo:rz] / [iorz] = al vostru Theirs [ðeəz] / [zeărz] = al lor   # this şi that   Singular:  this [ði:s] / [ziis] = acesta       that [ðæt] / [ze-at] = acela Plural  These [ðiz] / [ziz] = acestea  those [ðous ] / [zous] = acelea   # one, ones [wΛn] / [uan]              I like that one = Îmi place aceea.           I don’t like the blue ones= Nu-mi plac cele albastre.    Exerciţiu: Completaţi propoziţiile cu pronumele corespunzătoare:   …… reading a book. ………is writing his homework. ………are going to the cinema. ………is my house. ………house is ……..`     6. ARTICOLUL (THE ARTICLE)     # Articolul hotărât (the definite article) – the   # Articolul nehotărât (the indefinite article) – a – în faţa consoanelor                                                                        - an - în faţa vocalelor     7. PLURALUL SUBSTANTIVELOR (PLURAL NOUNS)    În limba engleză pluralul substantivelor se formează prin adăugarea unui “s” la forma de singural, aşa cum vom vedea mai târziu. Mai jos vom vedea doar câteva exemple de substantive neregulate.   Man [mæn] / [me-an] – men [men] = bărbat Woman [wumən] / [umăn] – women [wimin] / [uimin] = femeie Child [t∫aild] / [ciaild] – children [t∫ildrən] = copil Tooth [tu:θ] / [tuus] – teeth [ti:θ] / [tiis] = dinte Mouse [maus] – mice [mais] = şoarece Foot [fut] – feet [fi:t] / [fiit] = picior (de la gleznă în jos)     8. ORDINEA ADJECTIVELOR (ORDER OF ADJECTIVES)             În limba engleză adjectivul se aşază înaintea substantivului:                          A beautiful girl. O fată frumoasă.   Beautiful [bju:təful] / [biutăful] = frumos Girl [gərl] / [gărl] = fată    Când avem două sau mai multe adjective (poziţia 1 – cel mai departe de substantiv)   Poziţia:         1. Unul sau mai multe din următoarele tipuri de adjective:               1a Opinie: beautiful              1b Mărime: large [lard3] / [largi] = lung                          1c Vârstă: old [ould] = bătrân                         1d Formă: round [raund] = rotund                           1e Temperatură: cold [kould]/ [could] = rece Poziţia: 2. Culori: green [gri:n] / [griin] (verde), blue [blu:] / [bluu] (albastru)               plastic 3. Materialul (din ce este făcut): wooden [wudən] / [uudăn] = din lemn;               4. Scop (pentru ce este): a running shoe [ə rΛniŋ ∫u:] / [ ă raning şuu] = un pantof pentru alergat                         5. Substantivul   1c   3 4 5   An old,   leather,         (din piele) football boot (bocanc)   1c   2 3 4 5 Some (nou), new orange  (portocaliu), lycra, cycling shorts 1a   2 3 5   A beautiful, green, silk (mătase) shirt